A new chapter begins

A new chapter begins

Hi everyone, and welcome to this brand new blog!

If you’re amongst the few people that knew the previous one, you must have noticed my absence there these last months. The usual frenzy of December played a big part, making my program much heavier and my routines more complicated with the arrival of new orders in the shop. And obviously, the fact that I spent the last weeks of the year away from my studio didn’t help. But since?

Since the new year has settled. I didn’t see January passing, and I barely opened a page of this old blog, constantly postponing the next article, the next seasonal selection… Even though time is back on my side again, and I could devote the necessary hours to add some stuff to it, nothing really changed. A few ideas scribbled in a corner of my notebooks (this at least doesn’t change, there’s always a notebook next to me), some pictures taken, drafts written here and there… But in the end, nothing has come out, except silence.

I guess I just needed to begin again, but with better foundations. So I walked through this blog one last time and I realized that it never suited me anyway. Too tedious, too complicated, too heavy. Too much.

Sometimes you better stop persevering and go for a change. Simplify things, even if it means accepting to sacrifice the way in which you were accustomed. Despite its disadvantages, its tortuous paths and its roots that go beyond and persist in slowing you down. Lesson learned last year. The good thing is, I was already wanting to move on another platform since a long time, I just needed the first step to start working on it.

So, welcome here! See it as a place obviously linked to my workshop, but a bit more personal this time. The creation feeds my spirituality and vice-versa; that’s something that I always kept affirming.

But if you don’t know me personally, or if you’ve never had a chat with me on social networks or anywhere else, I doubt you have more than a vague idea of what it looks like, in practice. The things that inspire me, the way these two parts of my life truly interweave one another. The lands here that nourish me and speaks to me, permeates more and more into my work and my creations.

A new lesson to learn for me too. Widen the horizon, share more, go out of silence. I just hope that you’ll enjoy following me on this new journey… 🙂

Yours sincerely

Welcome on the new Lune de Sève blog!

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