Nature as my Muse – Unveiling my Next Creative Projects

Nature as my Muse – Unveiling my Next Creative Projects

Spring is definitely here now, bringing back colorful songbirds and wildflowers, enchanting sights and scents seemingly crafted for our own delight. The spirited Steller’s Jays engage in lively disputes amidst the towering firs while industrious Juncos are busy foraging on the soft, sun-kissed ground. Meanwhile, the old Cherry Tree looks over the yard, adorned in a magnificent canopy of pristine white blooms. I try my best to spend as much time as possible in its company, before the whims of the wind sweep away the delicate petals.

As the Sun gets stronger, I find myself dreaming about various creative projects, knowing that the longer days will provide ample opportunity to dedicate the necessary time and focus to each of them. Today I’d like to share some of them with you, give you a little bit of an update about what’s brewing in my corner of the world.

🌿 Tarot of a Forest Witch

This remains my primary focus right now, and as I eagerly await the mockup of the final product (more on that next week), preparations for preorders are underway! As I talked about in a previous post about Tarot of a Forest Witch, my intent with this new deck is to publish a first ‘Major Arcana only’ edition and go from there. The main reason for that is that I’m way too excited about this gigantic project and want to be able to share it with you ASAP!

Additionally, I also feel like getting early reviews and feedback on these cards will be invaluable while completing the rest of them. I’m curious to see how people relate to my interpretation of the main Tarot Archetypes, to know what I could do to refine the rest of the cards and make them as good and approachable as possible. It’s always nice to know if you’re on the right path with an artistic project of this kind, don’t you think?

🌿 Spring Collection

Ah, yes, the Spring Collection – a project initially intended to grace the shop by the Equinox – you can probably guess why just looking at the picture below. Obviously it didn’t happen, or you would have heard about it here. The thing is, I didn’t account for a move when I planned this whole thing, or that my Internet connection would be so bad when I first got here (a slight inconvenience when your job completely relies on it), or any of the reasons that got me to put this project on the back burner.

But anyways, I’ve decided to go with the flow and release the collection later, even though Spring will be long established and chasing Easter Eggs will already be a thing of the past. Crafting these new decorative pieces has been a joy, and just as with my Tarot Deck, I see no reason to wait for the ‘perfect moment’ to share them with you. So keep your eyes peeled for their arrival!

Ostara Wooden Egg - Spring Collection

🌿 Another Oracle?

While I’m still debating whether I should spill the beans and share that little secret of mine, I can’t contain my excitement any longer: in addition to Tarot of a Forest Witch, I embarked on the creation of a new Oracle Deck! I’ve had this idea in my mind for the longest time, a knowing that someday I’d make a Moon Oracle. I didn’t know what form it would take, I just knew that it would happen at some point, and that it would include all the phases of our beloved Night Queen.

Turns out, it’s more than that. Critters and wildlife invited themselves into the design of the cards and as of today, the temporary title for this deck is something like “Moon Messengers Oracle”. Now, I’m not going to share any picture yet, even though I’ve made really good progress with the illustrations (I mean, if you kindly ask in the comments, it sure shouldn’t take much to make me change my mind… just saying 😉).

🌿 Patreon Offerings

At the start of the year, I made the difficult decision to pause Magic Mail, the monthly subscription I offer on Patreon. Did I sense the chaos coming into my life right after I made that choice? I’m not sure, but regardless, that was a good call. Well, at least at that time. But now that my situation is more stable, there’s this quiet thought in the back of my mind, gently nudging me towards reopening that space of ours. The thing is, before it can properly relaunch, my Patreon Page needs a little TLC.

That said, I don’t want to rush this one. And although I’ve already had plenty of time to think about the things achieved within this space, I still need to figure out what specific changes are needed to make it even better than before, for both you and me. I don’t have a fixed deadline for that project but what I’m envisioning is a rework of my Patreon coming up this Summer. I know I said no rush, but I can’t wait to start reconnecting with you over there and start sending lovingly-crafted letters again!

Patreon Magic Mail

🌿 Keep Blogging!

Now that we are back to a regular weekly schedule after the chaos of these last months, I’d love to keep it that way. Reviving this space has been a highly positive experience so far, allowing me to explore a different outlet to express myself creatively, one that I had simply forgotten about for a long time.

I hope the experience has been as pleasant on your side of things, and that my musings on art, nature, animism, and life in the beautiful Pacific Northwest offer both food for thought and entertainment. Feel free to let me know if there’s any topic close to your heart that you would like me to write about in future posts. I’ve got lots of ideas jotted down in a notebook, but I’m always willing to explore paths that I overlooked or wouldn’t have thought about otherwise 🌲✨🌿

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2 thoughts on “Nature as my Muse – Unveiling my Next Creative Projects

  1. O I would love to see an oracle card illustration or two ❤️❤️❤️

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