Tarot Card Spotlight – The Lovers

Tarot Card Spotlight – The Lovers

Deep within the forest, where sunlight filters through a canopy of evergreens, lies a world bursting with life. Among the towering trees and delicate ferns, a complex web of connections thrives, weaving together the story of the Living World. At the heart of these threads of life is a mycelial network carrying the wisdom of the Earth.

The Lovers Tarot Card - Mushrooms

It might be the energies of Valentine’s Day coming up, but I recently found myself thinking a lot about connection and what this word means for me. To explore the topic today, I thought I’d introduce you to one of the Major Arcana from the Tarot Deck I’m currently working on: Tarot of a Forest Witch. That card is The Lovers.

We are all bound by threads of connection. The most apparent in our daily life are our loved ones: family, partners, and friends, but also the pets and plants we care for. There are many more, but we’ll get there in a minute. These relationships are essential to our existence, a foundation on which we can lean to support and nourish us throughout our lives as we experience and share challenges and triumphs.

Why is connection so vital for our well-being? Science has given us many clues, and studies abound to try and answer that question. People with strong social connections are happier and healthier; they live longer lives, with overall better mental and emotional health. Meaningful connection to other people is integral to our experience; it even seems to be what defines us as a species.

Humans are indeed social creatures, but I’ve always thought that something was missing from this statement. I’m not sure how or why it is so easily overlooked, but in the world I live in, connections extend well beyond human relationships. The land I live on, its mountains and waters, its inhabitants, from this world and that of Spirits. They’re all an essential part of my reality, and just as I would with friends, I cultivate a relationship with them.

Every time I step out of my home to go for a Forest Walk, I become part of this dance, where every interaction, every encounter, becomes an opportunity for learning and self-discovery. The embrace of the earth, the quiet sound of the leaves rustling, the scent of wildflowers blooming, the gentle touch of a breeze on my skin… All of these are moments of connection that remind me of my place within Nature.

We may have forgotten our deep-rooted connection to the natural world, but we’re part of it; there’s no way around that.

In Tarot of a Forest Witch, the Lovers card serves as a potent symbol of connection, with a couple of mushrooms intertwined in a tender embrace. Just like the real ones out there in the woods, connecting trees to the forest floor, allowing them to communicate with each other, these mushrooms are the embodiment of the unseen threads that bind us all together.

As we journey through life, may we remember the sacred dance of connection that unites us all. May we cherish the bonds that sustain us, honor the interconnected web of life that sustains us, and embrace the beauty of our shared humanity. For in the end, it is our connections that define us, shape us, and ultimately, make us who we are ✨🌎🌿

PS: I have some exciting updates about my Tarot Deck, which I’ll share with you here in a few days. I’ll also take the opportunity to show more cards from the Major Arcana, so stay tuned for that!

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