Tarot Tales – A Personal Reading for the Year Ahead

Tarot Tales – A Personal Reading for the Year Ahead

January feels like the opening of a new chapter in the book of life. The transition from one year to the next carries a sense of excitement, wonder, and boundless potential. The unknown awaits us, like the blank pages of a journal yet to be filled. As I’m looking at this uncharted territory, ready to embark on a fresh adventure, I think about the intentions I set recently for my spiritual practice. And I wonder…

What better way to navigate the path ahead than with the guidance of a Tarot reading?

Today I’d like to reflect about what the cards have in store for me, specifically as it relates to making art for my small business and for myself. Now, I’d like to take you along on this journey through the seasons, and share my thoughts about what comes out of it. So grab yourself a warm drink and settle in. The cards have been laid out, each one has a story to tell. Let’s hear it, shall we?

By the way, the deck I’m going to use here is one of my all-time favorites, Wildwood Tarot.

✨ Winter turns into Spring

The Mirror, The Stag, The Moon on Water

Starting strong with three Major Arcana in a row! The initial months of 2024 highlight a rich tapestry of introspection and emotional depth, setting the foundation for a transformative year.

The Mirror, anchored in the contemplative landscape of January, brings a profound journey of self-reflection, urging me to take a look into my artistic motivations. Well let me tell you, I already feel this energy as my latest drawings have only brought a lot of questions about my art style and the direction I want to take it to.

February is sure to be interesting, with the strong spirit of The Stag coming as a witness of my artistic endeavors. Not only have I been contemplating the style I want to aim for, but I also pondered about the ways I could tighten the connection between my work and my love for Nature and the outdoors. It’s not really a surprise then that this particular card and its archetype – a Guardian of the Land – makes an appearance here.

As March unfolds beneath the influence of The Moon on Water, I am encouraged to fully embrace my intuition, to explore the emotional currents within and the emotional depth that will guide my artistic endeavors. Thinking of what I want my art to achieve, my wish is to come to a point where each piece is imbued with genuine emotion, reaching a profound connection with those who engage with the creations – you, dear Reader.

✨ Spring turns into Summer

Eight of Arrows, Six of Bows, Ace of Vessels

As the wheel turns towards the blossoming months of Spring, the following cards paint an intricate canvas of challenges, abundance, and renewal.

April seems to bring some obstacles with it. There is always going to be some hurdles along the way, but my hope is that when they do arise, I am able to see them as stepping stones for growth. My artistic journey may encounter challenges, but I trust my ability to cultivate resilience and strength. Overcoming these obstacles will hopefully lead to a more fulfilling and authentic artistic expression.

May brings a sense of relief and joyfully transforms the struggle into the abundance that follows adversity. It is time to celebrate the victories and the richness newly found within my work. Fulfilment and prosperity are coming, and the vibrant energy of this card encourages me to share even more with my audience, to foster a sense of connection and shared happiness.

June marks a fresh start for me, with the Ace of Cups signaling a renewal of creative energy and artistic expression. The warmer days are here, and the light continues to grow, breathing life into my work space. I’m eager to see what will come out of this wonderful time. May the waters of inspiration flow freely into each of my creations!

✨ Summer turns into Autumn

Queen of Stones, Two of Stones, Six of Arrows

As the sun reaches its zenith in the Summer months, the next set of cards presents practical strength, balance, and significant transitions, adding nuanced layers to my artistic narrative.

July, embodied by the Queen Bear, is such a fantastic card to draw, as this particular animal has always meant a lot to me, and it happens to show up on my birth month! I couldn’t ask for a better card. I welcome her warmth and strength, her grounding presence, and the stability she brings with her, as much in my artistic journey as in my life in general.

The next month, August, presents a phase of juggling different forces. Balancing different aspects of my work may require focus and adaptability. This card invites me to find a delicate equilibrium amidst challenges, to foster the growth of my art and creativity while managing the pragmatic aspects of running an online business.

Finally, just as the season starts to shift, September brings forth a period of transition. I find myself navigating uncharted waters, where the practical strength and lessons cultivated earlier become the guiding compass through the deep waters of transformation. Looking at this card, I hope I can embrace the changes, and steer my art and business towards growth and creative expansion.

✨ Autumn turns into Winter

Knight of Arrows, Seven of Vessels, King of Arrows

In the final quarter of the year, the months unfold with the swift wings of Hawk and Kingfisher, and a gentle release of what is no longer needed for my creativity to arise.

October soars high with the Knight of Swords, embodying clear vision and decisive action. Between the preparation of the coming Holiday Season and the lengthy Samhain celebrations I usually engage in, this month is definitely a busy one for me. The hawk’s keen sight is a welcome guide, encouraging me to trust my instincts and navigate any challenge that could come up with clarity and precision.

November reveals a release of all the artistic elements that no longer serve my vision, creating space for new and emotionally resonant creations. This has been one of the main theme of the year, and I am glad to see this card bring some closure to this specific journey. Creating space for this release is going to be of utmost importance at this point, but I trust that the gentle, healing touch of Winter will allow it to happen.

Last but not least, December closes the year with wisdom and a clear vision of what I want to continue pursuing with my art, what I want to achieve with it. The King of Swords brings mental clarity and profound insight. It is here to show me where and how to apply the knowledge gained throughout the year so that I can lead my creative work towards a harmonious conclusion and start setting the stage for the future.

All right, that wraps up today’s Tarot reading! By sharing it here, I hope to inspire you to pick up your favorite deck of cards and contemplate what 2024 may hold for you.

Personally, I am really excited about the path ahead and the artistic adventures that await me. This Tarot reading brought a lot of insight and anticipation. It tells a story of artistic expansion and possibilities, with inner strength, dedication, and resilience as constant companions.

I’m ready for a year filled with art, creativity, and growth! ✨🎨🌿

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