Flow Ogham Oracle – Interpretation of the Cards

Flow Ogham Oracle – Interpretation of the Cards




Pronunciation: ‘bayth’
Translation: Birch
Letter: B
Companion Tree: Birch

Brigid’s Cross, a charm typically woven during Imbolc, the pagan festival, is believed to bring protection and help purify the space for the year to come. Standing in the heart of this first card, it brings blessings to the beginning of your journey.

With its white bark so recognizable among other trees, it is no surprise that birch has been traditionally associated with the idea of purification and clarity. In a spiritual or magical practice, Beith is the obvious choice when working toward cleansing the body or purifying a space. Its energy can be drawn upon while preparing for a ritual or sacred act, but it can also be really helpful in a more mundane setting when you need to clear your mind before taking action. After all, Beith is the first letter of the Ogham Alphabet, and in that regard definitely needs to be considered for anything having to do with new ideas and beginnings.

Keywords: Purification, cleansing, clarity, intention
Flow: Open

Questions to ask: How can I prepare for the next step in my life? Am I ready to embark on a new journey? How do I clarify my intentions?



Pronunciation: ‘loosh’
Translation: Flame / Herb
Letter: L
Companion Tree: Rowan

A sprig of rowan sits inside a structure made up of three branches forming a triangle pointing upwards, reminiscent of the alchemical symbol for the Element Fire.

Fire is an essential element in many Celtic traditions, where the Awen is described as a sacred flame providing inspiration and enlightenment to those who benefit from it. Luis is made of that Sacred Fire. But it doesn’t stop there: just like the Irish goddess Brigid is usually depicted with various attributes (she’s a poet, blacksmith, and healer at the same time), Luis has more than one facet too. This fid also speaks about healing, particularly that which comes from the knowledge and use of different plants. Herbalism is its realm, and you can picture its energy as a kind of remedy crafted with herbs infused over a flame, herbs that carry sunlight and fire deep within themselves.

Keywords: Spark, sacred fire, inspiration, sign, omen
Flow: Stir

Questions to ask: Where do I find inspiration in my daily life? How can I make good use of that inspiration? What do I need to heal within myself to ignite my creativity?



Pronunciation: ‘fairn’
Translation: Alder
Letter: F/V/W
Companion Tree: Alder

A sturdy shield offers shelter to a fragile alder leaf, in which a heart has been carved out. Sword ferns grow all around, ready to help defend the precious treasure.

Traditionally used to make shields for warriors, alder wood hints at the idea of protection encompassed by this fid. It was also used to make buckets to contain the milk of the herd, an everyday staple essential for survival in sedentary Celtic societies. Just as the warrior fights to defend those he loves, the container is there to protect whatever lives inside. Fern is thus particularly suitable for actions aimed at protecting yourself or your loved ones. Think of its energy as a cocoon or a den in which to take shelter.

Keywords: Protection, shield, shelter, contain, guard
Flow: Hold

Questions to ask: How am I able to protect myself? How can I hold the people I love close and safe without constraining them?



Pronunciation: ‘sahl’
Translation: Willow
Letter: S
Companion Tree: Willow

From the shadows of the New Moon to the bright light of the Full Moon, and back to the starting point. A perpetual motion, fluid and ever-changing, circled by willow branches that bend and go with the flow.

Ebb and flow, tides and waves… Sail is in essence linked to the Element Water. Cycles are his favorite sphere of influence, whether it’s the change of seasons or the different phases of the moon. Sail allows you to set a timing for a magical action, and can be used for any work related to water or fluids in general. It invites you to harmonize with the current and the passage of time, to let yourself be carried by it and take full advantage of it rather than fight against it and find yourself overwhelmed.

Keywords: Flow, tide, water, Moon, cycle, timing, flexibility
Flow: Ebb & Flow

Questions to ask: How do I embrace the flow of my life? What currents am I resisting right now?



Pronunciation: ‘nihn’
Translation: Letter / Support
Letter: N
Companion Tree: Ash

A spider web connects two branches, bringing them together in a circle. Despite its delicate and fragile appearance, it creates a strong bond between the two.

Nin has two primary meanings: first it’s a letter or a piece paper used to write a contract, but it’s also a part of the loom, the machine used to weave cloth and tapestry. In both cases, Nin is a fid of connection. It links the fibers together just as it creates a bond between people. It allows better communication, and seals written agreements and contracts of all kinds. It’s a web patiently weaved, and it proves itself very useful for strengthening a relationship, a friendship, a community, or for bringing people together around a common cause.

Keywords: Connection, link, weaving, network, community
Flow: Weave

Questions to ask: How am I related to others? Am I open to the influence of the people around me? In what ways can I be of help to my community?




Pronunciation: ‘OO-ah’
Translation: Terror
Letter: H
Companion Tree: Hawthorn

A hawthorn flower managed to bloom despite the harsh environment it was placed in, surrounded by thorns and prickly branches that seem to block the flow of energy.

When it comes out in a reading, h-Úath is often the harbinger of bad news. Difficulties are on the way, trials and fears that you will have to overcome. But let’s look beyond its negative aspect and realize how these obstacles can generate new inner strength. H-Úath is all about finding and developing resilience in the face of life’s challenges. It’s not surprising that this fid is associated with hawthorn, a shrub full of threatening thorns, in the midst of which the most delicate white flowers are free to bloom. H-Úath is not the easiest fid to work with but its results are well worth the effort and sacrifices it demands.

Keywords: Fear, challenge, bad luck, curse, resilience
Flow: Hinder

Questions to ask: How do my fears protect me? How are they holding me back? How can I nurture my inner strength?



Pronunciation: ‘dar’
Translation: Oak
Letter: D
Companion Tree: Oak

Give it time and little acorn will transform into a beautiful tree with lots of leaves to tell its story, how it endured the weather and steadily grew stronger.

The mighty oak, king of the forest, sacred to the Celts and worshipped by the Druids. Fair to say that it remains even today one of the most esteemed trees in western civilization, with a well-established aura of magic around it. Through its association with oak, Dair carries the ideas of strength, endurance, longevity, stability and integrity. But it’s also a guardian of thresholds, these places of transition between two worlds, where the profane meets the sacred. Dair is a generous, expanding fid capable of generating great power. Be careful, however, not to let yourself be trapped in an opposite energy with this fid, by going towards too much inflexibility and obstinacy.

Keywords: Strength, endurance, stability, resistance
Flow: Endure

Questions to ask: What are my greatest strengths? In what ways am I being too rigid with myself and others?



Pronunciation: ‘CHIN-uh’
Translation: Ingot
Letter: T
Companion Tree: Holly

A hard-working bee stands in the midst of its creation. Everything looks organized and neat, with lots of honeycomb structures skillfully crafted by the little insect, promise of an abundance of golden honey.

Tinne is the smith’s fid, and by extension, that of the worker. It relates to manual labor, creation, and the material wealth that comes from it. Just as the blacksmith shapes metal, the craftsman transforms the raw material into a well-made object. Tinne is useful to help unlock creative projects, to learn and develop new manual skills. It is also particularly suitable for the work of jewelers or sculptors – basically anyone who works with metal. In a more modern sense, this fid can also represent new technologies and everything related to electronics.

Keywords: Skill, craftmanship, creation, work, mastery
Flow: Generate

Questions to ask: How do I materialize my creativity in the physical world? What is my relationship to work? What defines success for me?



Pronunciation: ‘kull’
Translation: Hazel
Letter: C
Companion Tree: Hazel

Three hazelnuts gathered together, each pointing in a different direction. One for knowledge, one for wisdom, one for enlightenment.

In Celtic mythology, the hazel tree is one of the very first symbols of wisdom, along with the salmon that eats its fruits when they end up falling in the water. Coll is a fid of research, discernment, and knowledge, all of which require patience and perseverance. It is a fid linked to the Other World, making it possible to understand signs and omens. In essence, Coll is the wisdom that nature can provide, as long as one knows where to look for it, what to observe, feel or listen to. As such, it’s a powerful companion to anyone working on their own personal development.

Keywords: Wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment, tradition
Flow: Seek

Questions to ask: How can I improve my knowledge? Where does my wisdom lie?



Pronunciation: ‘kyert’
Translation: Rag / Shrub
Letter: Q
Companion Tree: Apple

Everything is spiraling inward, swirling chaotically, damaging apple leaves along the way.

Undoubtedly the most difficult fid to work with after h-Úath. When Ceirt appears in a reading, it is often a sign of bad luck and chaos, with no obvious solution in sight. But Ceirt also invites you to ride the wave and withdraw into yourself. Take all the time necessary to clarify the situation and care for yourself. Magically speaking, it’s not a fid recommended for beginners. Although it can be used in healing work, in association with more positive feda to balance it, working with Ceirt requires caution and leaves very little room for error.

Keywords: Chaos, uncertainty, difficulty, destruction
Flow: Spiral

Questions to ask: How am I trapped in cycles of self-destruction? What can I keep in mind when struggling?




Pronunciation: ‘mwin’
Translation: Love / Trickery
Letter: M
Companion Tree: Vine

The wolf howls, confident that the wind will carry its voice through the starry night. The 20 Ogham characters are depicted around the animal, a reminder that, being part of a whole language, they can be used individually or combined together to express specific thoughts and ideas.

Muin has a multitude of meanings, but it is essentially a fid of communication, particularly suited if you are trying to find your own voice and how to express yourself in the world. It is often associated with pleasure and love (for oneself and others), generosity and abundance, but also with their negative counterparts: envy, jealousy, lies, and manipulation. In a context of personal development, Muin can be a great help in achieving self-expression, allowing yourself to speak freely, validating your own thoughts and feelings before communicating them to others when needed.

Keywords: Communication, voice, speech, self-expression
Flow: Channel

Questions to ask: What do I communicate to others? What message am I sending? Do I know how to be assertive? In what ways can I make my voice heard?



Pronunciation: ‘gort’
Translation: Garden
Letter: G
Companion Tree: Ivy

Ears of wheat and star-shaped ivy leaves come together in a cosmic dance, growing to provide nourishment and support for all creatures that seek it.

Gort is the garden in which you feel good and relaxed, the haven where you can take refuge. It is the wheat field that promises great harvest and abundance. An oasis in which to stop for a moment to rest and fully replenish your energy. It is a fid associated with fertility and food, hospitality and exchanges, blessings and generosity. But just as the crop does not reach full maturity on its own, Gort requires hard work and patience for it to be effective. Working with it is a long-term game, but it will helpful when trying to bring a project to fruition. And when it does, Gort invites us to show gratitude, to recognize the abundance in our life.

Keywords: Growth, abundance, fruition, cultivate, nourish
Flow: Grow

Questions to ask: Where am I safe to grow? What is ready to bloom within me? How do I nourish and cultivate my best self?



Pronunciation: ‘NYET-all’
Translation: Wound / Charm
Letter: NG
Companion Tree: Reed

Swaying from side to side and fluctuating with events, the tall, slender reed grows gracefully, adapting to any changes in the marshy ground in which it grows.

Before anything else, NGétal is a fid of balance. Double-edged, it can in turn represent a wound or the healing that follows, an illness or its remedy. In any case in a reading, it invites the consultant to take an interest in their health, as well as their daily life habits to see where improvements could be made. In a magical practice or spell casting, it is the fid of choice for any work aiming to support healing and overall well-being. As reed is a plant that grows in moist areas, drawing NGétal with water, herbal infusion, or essentials oils (please do your research about their properties and safe use beforehand) will often yield the best results. Reinforced by a charm, be it a song or prayer, its effect will be all the more effective.

Keywords: Balance, wellbeing, health, regeneration
Flow: Sway

Questions to ask: What is my greatest wound? Where can I find the healing I need? How do I stay balanced?



Pronunciation: ‘strayf’
Translation: Sulfur
Letter: Z
Companion Tree: Blackthorn

Just as the Moon changes shape in the darkness of the deep night sky, the serpent is about to shed its skin and recreate itself in a most powerful ritual that will reveal its hidden form.

Straif is associated with mystery, with the invisible and everything that is kept secret, occult. Alchemical in its essence, it reveals what is hidden and transforms it. Fid of choice for deep spiritual work, Straif will be the ideal companion in a ritual of transformation or to practice Shapeshifting. Frequently mentioned in Celtic mythology, it is a deeply transforming experience during which the practitioner is led to change skin, to let the old one die and grow into a new shape. As for its divinatory meaning, keep in mind that when it appears in a reading, Straif is often the sign that unexpected changes are on their way – for better or for worse, so be prepared for anything.

Keywords: Shapeshifting, transformation, change, metamorphosis
Flow: Shift

Questions to ask: What sort of change is coming for me? How am I outgrowing my old skin? What is my motivation to transform myself?



Pronunciation: ‘rish’
Translation: Redness
Letter: R
Companion Tree: Elder

Fire. A vivid, blazing flame that sparks from within and expands like the Sun, burning with great energy, fueled by intense passion and excitement for life.

Fid of passion, Ruis deals with intense and passionate emotions, such as excitement and ecstasy, or on the other side of the spectrum, anger and rage. It is a fiery companion, with an explosive energy that is very difficult to control once released. The trance-like frenzy of the warrior described in Irish myths and legends manifests in Ruis, as do sensuality, eroticism and sexuality. As you will have understood from the vocabulary used here, this is a fid with a rather intense character, and I strongly recommend that you temper its effects with other softer and more moderate feda, especially in a magical working.

Keywords: Passion, intensity, frenzy, energy, sexuality
Flow: Ignite

Questions to ask: In what ways am I being impulsive? What am I passionate about? What pleasure do I seek? What makes me feel alive?




Pronunciation: ‘AHL-um’
Translation: Cry
Letter: A
Companion Tree: Fir / Pine

A fir tree stands firmly grounded in the center of the universe, waiting for you to decide to take the first step. You have the key to the door in front you. It is time. Step into the Circle.

While Beith makes it easier to clarify what to start with, Ailm represents the beginning in itself: the first step, the first breath, the first cry of a newborn. It is a fid of initiation, a passage from one state to another. Strongly linked to the Otherworld and the ancestors, it can also represents the different cycles of past and future lives, from origin to end, from birth to death. When Ailm appears in a reading, it often indicates that the seeker has reached a threshold, an important moment of revelation at the heart of their journey. Now is the time to make that first step and dive into the new experiences that present themselves.

Keywords: Initiation, beginning, birth, threshold, first step
Flow: Enter

Questions to ask: What first step do I need to take to move forward on my journey? How do I start? What does being initiated mean for me?



Pronunciation: ‘own’
Translation: Foundation / Wheel
Letter: O
Companion Tree: Gorse

The wheel is turning, carrying sprigs of gorse on its way. Its movement cannot be stopped. At its center, a triskele, three-legged spiral symbol representing constant motion, opens the way, inviting the traveler to join the journey.

Translated either by “foundation” or “wheel”, Onn represents both the movement and the force giving rise to it. It highlights the different paths to follow, but also the choice to be made to decide which one to walk or leave aside. This fid is related to the journey, be it spiritual or physical, and helps to determine the direction to take, where to go, and what to do to get there. Onn is an ideal companion to the wanderer who wants to explore random paths but also to the pilgrim who has a specific purpose in mind. In a magical work or personal development, it can be useful to remove blockages and renew the energy needed to complete a project.

Keywords: Motion, movement, direction, journey, travel
Flow: Roll

Questions to ask: Where is my journey taking me? How do I keep things in motion? Where do I want to travel?

🌿 ÚR


Pronunciation: ‘oor’
Translation: Soil
Letter: U
Companion Tree: Heather

The bird is long dead, but is still part of life’s eternal cycle of death and rebirth, feeding the land, nurturing the Earth. The light that once animated the creature can never truly fade away.

Strongly associated with the element of Earth, Úr speaks of death and the mourning that goes with it. As such, it can represent the physical death of the body, but also the unexpected end of a situation, a relationship, or a job. In any case, when Úr show up in a reading, it often means that something inevitable is going to happen – the idea of fate and fatality is part of the essence of this fid. In a spiritual practice, its connection to Earth promotes grounding and stability. It is also ideal for cutting ties that have become too heavy and no longer serve you. Finally, Úr can promote communication with spirits, whether they are spirits of the land to whom you wish to bring offerings, or ancestors and departed loved ones.

Keywords: Ending, death, grief, release, rest, ground, earth
Flow: Cease

Questions to ask: What must die to allow new growth? What ties need to be cut free? How can I explore grief in a loving and compassionate way?



Pronunciation: ‘AY-dad’
No known translation – Interpretation idea: Amanita
Letter: E
Companion Tree: Aspen / White Poplar

Mushrooms, herbs, crystals, and the benevolent presence of the Moon. These are the companions the Shaman has decided to call upon to guide his vision.

Due to the lack of translation, Edad can be a difficult fid to pin down at first glance. Its action revolves around dreams and visions; like an entheogenic plant or mushroom, it can promote altered states of consciousness or even shamanic trance. As such, Edad is connected to the practices of divination and clairvoyance, and will be a great companion to the seer and fortune-teller. In a spiritual practice, it is a useful fid to add to your meditations, as well as any dream-related kind of work. Finally, Edad can simply be an invitation for the practitioner to question the tools and practices he uses or to take an interest in new techniques.

Keywords: Vision, dream, divination, consciousness
Flow: Unveil

Questions to ask: How do I see and experience the world around me? How important are my dreams to me? How can I access my subconscious mind?



Pronunciation: ‘IH-dad’
No known translation – Interpretation idea: Age
Letter: I
Companion Tree: Yew

Yew branches sprout from a strand of DNA, their fruit bringing back memories and whispers of the past, recalling traditions to be passed on to generations to come.

Last character of the Ogham Alphabet, Idad unfortunately does not have any translation either, but scholars and researchers have been able to derive meaning for this fid thanks to the the many associations found in the manuscripts where it is mentioned. In the Color Ogham for example, is it is described as “very white” (“Irfind“), which is the color of the first character, Beith, intensified. Thus if Beith is linked to beginnings, its counterpart Idad closes the alphabet with the concepts of old age, endings, and memory. It is a fid related to history and tradition, that which is transmitted from one generation to another. As such, it can be of help when looking for past lives, or to help assimilate the past in order to learn from it and heal any wounds.

Keywords: Longevity, memory, history, ancestors, legacy
Flow: Recall

Questions to ask: What is my family legacy? How does my past affect who I am now? How do I make the most with what I have inherited?

Frise lierre - Séparation de texte

Learn more about Flow and the Ogham:

About the Deck (coming soon!)
The Ogham Alphabet
Interpretation of the Cards

Oder Flow Ogham Oracle - Wildera Art

Don’t miss out! First edition limited to 250 copies, all signed by the author – yours truly 💛🌿

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